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Welcome to our Courting vs. Dating page. Thank you and God Bless!


COURTING [future] Website


Moms! Tired of your sons being accosted by police up to and including jail time or worse: a police record which spans their entire adult life as a felon? Why?


For seeking a wife in his own country!


Ever understand why women of youth are entrapping men into a never-ending perpetual harassment, which damages boys for life. The harassment of sex for favors, time spent in the dating scene and not in a family scene, exorbitant amounts of money spent to capture a girl, his good name plastered all over the Internet in a negative light, police called into for perceived relationship crimes such as charges brought against your son for rape, stalking, harassment, domestic violence, or even worse a restraining order on his record. All for finding a wife! Studies show that men want families just as much as women want to be in a family, however those same studies show that girls are being steered in societal damaging direction today!


Would you blame these young feminists from the indoctrination they’ve received from the public school system? For a young teenage girl to be handed a condom [usually in their school colors], then taught to prance around the neighborhood to any boy’s bedroom of their desire, then abort any mistake in their sex education, become scared for life, then enter college where Marxist professors teach that a woman’s body is not to be violated and to file charges of rape at every corner of these already sexualized boys, is not the narrative of the Christian faith! In fact, it is destroying our great nation!


Without further ado, our organization is in the process of establishing a COURTING Website for young people to court for marriage. The difference of courting and dating is that courting is a commitment to remain celibate until marriage and only qualify a perspective spouse for a short period of time such as 3- 6 months and then marry or break it off and find another. Dating on the other has has its tentacles into “shacking–up” with a perspective partner for an indefinite amount of time with or without the connotation of marriage.


With the recent laws passed in the state of California regarding “shacking-up” couples, it’s in our opinion that it is now the state of Cali-fornication.  The old cliché is “So goes California, so goes the nation!” If California has their way, it could lead to men resorting to Sex-bots, which is prevalent in China today.


See this Website:


It’s time to get back to Christ’s principles and not the anti-Christ principles authored and imparted by the LEFT.





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