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Writing Contest


threeRM has an ongoing non-fiction letter writing contest. All writers selected by our Editors will be showcased below and we’ll mail it out under our letterhead. Still, choice showcased letters will be read by a Editor form our staff and can be found from our You-Tube link at the bottom of every page.


Please send all entries to All entries will never be published with your REAL NAME and we do not keep lists of individuals [in that way if authorities ask us for your information—we do not have it].




To be eligible, an article must be an original work, in professional letter format, and of no more than one 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper. In summary, it must have one verse of scripture inside the letter, preferably at the end, to tie your concern to scripture.


You can write on any topic related to addressing a conservative need that you think would be of interest to threeRM readers. The letter must be addressed to a person, place, or thing. It’s up to your personal discretion to send the letter to addressee.


CAUTION: do not lick the envelopes due to your DNA in your saliva and we recommend not even having your fingerprints on the letter, envelope, or stamp. Political activism can cause some weird retaliation no matter the kindness of the letter.


If you submit a letter exceeding the allowed limit, we reserve the right to truncate them as the Editors see fit. Be sure to thoroughly proofread your letter, spell check, grammar check, and be courteous and in the utmost professional tone. For instance, “Dear honourable FBI:” or “Dear trustworthily Senator So-n-So”


All writings must be original works and the copyright will become the property of threeRM.

Black Supremacy or Civil Rights?

Letter sent in by Daisy from Mississippi Sent out December 25, 2017


Dear honourable NAACP & all members of Republican Congress Members:            December 25, 2017

Civil Rights or Black Supremacy?


SPECIAL NOTE TO CONGRESS: Please pass legislation which renounces any organization both civilian or government which allows membership solely based on skin colour! That is RACISM incarnate!


TO THE NAACP: Over the past eight years, the Obama Administration was the pinnacle Presidential administration, which has enflamed racism, placed a division between all races, and to the extent that police officers brutally attacked and murdered while being called Racist. This letter warrants us writing our concern.


A perfect case in point is the incessant bombardment of MSM news placing race at the forefront of news stories. In particular, CNN demanded President Donald Trump to renounce is illustration that there were both White Supremists and Black Supremist present in the Charlottesville riot. The MSM only wanted White Supremacy called out on their biased networks.


Is there BLACK SUPREMACY? MSM says no, that only White Supremists exist on Planet Earth and black people can’t be racist-ever!


When Donald Sterling, former owner of the Los Angeles Clippers NBA Team, made a statement, “Don’t bring black people to the game!” he was striped of billions of dollars in future business revenues, forced to sell his NBA team, and flagged forevermore as a Racist. His rebuttal SHOULD have been:

  • Black History Month illustrates don’t bring white people to the celebration of world history.

  • Tuskegee Airmen float at the Rose Parade honouring black pilots of World War II, illustrates don’t celebrate the achievements of nonblack pilots here.

  • The United Negro College Fund and Thurgood Marshall College Fund are non-profit organizations which remunerate money into black only college attendees and resound don’t bring Asian minority people here for college financial aid.

  • The entire conglomeration of historically black universities, and there are many, which include medical schools, law schools, business schools, engineering, and the arts are all manners of allowing no Latinos to that educational institution.

  • Black Entertainment Television and the other ten major black networks illustrate do not cater to American Indians in this realm of entertainment.

  • The three hundred tabloids and syndications for black only readers resound don’t bring other races of people to this audience.

  • Millions of pages of Internet code for Websites, Chat rooms, Twitter, Facebook, blogs, email advertisements, and associations just for black only patrons illustrates don’t bring nonblack people here.

  • The American Association of Blacks in Energy is an organization ensuring blacks are making decisions regarding developments of energy. By the way, everyone with white skin is barred from joining.

  • The Association of Black Psychologists whereby blacks gather to discuss social issues of that field also bars generational Scandinavians from attendance.

  • The Executive Leadership Council allowing only black leadership of Fortune 500 companies while whites are not allowed to enter their black ring of discussion is prevalent here.

  • Congressional Black Caucus representing black only members of Congress and donning black skin is the only allowable method to come to that game.

  • National Association of Black Journalists, National Association of Black Accountants, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, National Black Business Council, and the list goes on and on are all established for one cause and one cause only—to not allow white people to their table of decision making.

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which highlights to the world don’t celebrate with a Federal holiday, of any other race’s pride.

  • NAACP highlighting a civil rights movement for people who only don black skin resounds don’t fight for human rights for any other skin color on Planet Earth.

  • As Pat Bicannon cleverly illustrated, over $1-trillion US has been handed over to black communities in some form of governmental handout barring every white tax paying American from receiving.

  • There’s a bevy of international Black groups, resounding don’t bring any other race of people to this game.”


We are demanding that Congress pass laws that no organization can exist on American Soil, whereby its membership is solely based on skin color. We must duly request that the NAACP dismantle and put to bed racism. Please assure the Democratic Party Congressional leaders that the sins of slavery are paid in full as historical accounts connote approximately 600,000 (mostly black) slaves were taken from Africa and approximately 600,000 (mostly white) military soldiers died to remove the shackles of slavery during the American Civil War. The Republican Party voted to abolish slavery and the Democrats voted to enslave blacks, we might add!


The NAACP should stop the LEFT, which is strategically placed into our Universities, Governmental positions, Legislation, and in public school curriculums demanding the world to accept that African-Americans are allowed to establish themes of ‘Don’t bring other races to our black only game’ and it’s done through political candidates making promises for a vote. So, essentially these Lawmakers must be good on their promise to write racist laws catering to black skinned Americans. Make sense?


The NAACP should demand a stop of Blacks being placed onto the plantation of Democrats promise to write Legislation in Congress “just in favour of Black people,” for the slavery of a black vote.

I mean what’s next for their Black only venue? The LEFT writing laws establishing public restrooms, public drinking fountains, and seating arrangements in the rear of public transportation—for black only people?


Please end the rhetoric of the LEFTWING bias and race baiting to enflame a culture of Americans into chaos—the continual burning of pubic property, execution of our Men in Blue, racism in our university squares, segregating whites from participation in black programs, and hatred stirred up by the Leftist youth towards white America and the elderly must stop now.


We pray for the NAACP to make righteous decisions and leave you with a scripture verse. Race is only mentioned once in the Bible and it has nothing to do with skin color as the LEFT has made it out to be: “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize?” (1 Corinthians 9:24). Meaning God doesn’t look upon the skin color of a human, but accepts all into Heaven that accept His son’s work on the cross. God Bless!


The Woman's March is LEFT Wing Propaganda

Letter sent in by Sarah from Sioux Falls, SD, Sent out November 27, 2017


Dear Time Management Team:                                                                                                            November 27, 2017

The Woman’s March is LEFT Wing Propaganda!

As a little girl, I was eager to read Time Magazine with great enthusiasm. In that era, it was a magazine with clear-cut direction and unbiased storylines. Today, I believe Time is trash! It’s nothing more than an extension arm of the Left-wing radical agenda to enforce Communist values on America soil. Time is extremely biased and unworthy of reading.


The Resistance Rises, How a March Becomes A Movement, storyline is a perfect example of this absolute propaganda bias. What ever happened to Time Magazine’s writers shedding reason and understanding into subject matters and asking the tough questions? Instead their management is pushing Left-wing rhetoric!


This article galvanizes an anti-American spirit, which obviously there are Left-wing radicals hired into Time and paid handsomely to make Adolph Hitler’s Propaganda Minsters look miniscule. I’m seriously concerned for Time and its managing direction. Let me digress, President Donald Trump made one statement of grabbing a female’s body part. It was off the record and had not his permission to be tapped. You mean to tell us that Time’s male management has never commented on a woman’s body ever? Right! Right! The Donald’s statement held no physical action tied his words. Time then places a woman’s march right in the middle in Washington DC, right on the front cover calling it a Movement. It’s a Bowel Movement at best. What Time should’ve of done, was proper news reporting to outline just how far the Left has gone in bias, keeping Time politically neutral.


Bill Clinton, another US President, physically groped, assaulted, raped, and held sexual conduct with women not his wife inside the Oval Office all while Commander in Chief. He also had a throng of women coming forward with their story of being raped by Bill Clinton. Where was the outrage or even a march on Washington then? The real storyline by Time should have been why these Left-wing Feminists marching to take down Trump overlooked a Left-wing politician’s lewd conduct as President—#42 who actually raped women. Time should have asked “Why are these feminists in an uproar over a Republican President’s sexual conduct but don’t even give one flipping care in the world when a Democratic President is in an impeachment process for lying under oath and women coming forward declaring his rape conduct in the past!” Where’s your story biased TIME?


Time Magazine, by not being politically neutral, is FAKE NEWS –It’s 100% biased. I am never reading Time again!


Prior to Jesus being placed into a tomb after His crucifixion, He boldly told his disciples he would raise from the dead after three days. An Angel rolled a stone away from the tomb, and the Lord Jesus walked out resurrected. “Then the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, telling them, you’re to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole Him away while we were asleep.’“ (Matthew 28:12-13).


That was FAKE NEWS in biblical times and so it was to push their Left-wing agenda to shape a culture away from Christian principles. Time is no different today and sadly—COMPLETE FAKE NEWS!

Are Civil Rights Considered Human Rights

Letter sent in by C.S. Lewis from Bloomfield Hills, MI, Sent out October 31, 2017


Dear Honourable Rand Paul:                                                                                                                October 31, 2017

Are Civil Rights Considered Human Rights?


Our Founding Fathers were explicit in framing the United States government upon Christian principles. In God’s word [Christian Bible / Jewish Torah] and under the US Constitution, human rights are doled out by the human’s Creator in heaven. In other words, governments of the world are not to tread upon sacred human rights granted by God alone. So how can the LEFT tread upon human rights of We The People?


The Christian faith of the Founders was evident in statements such as these, placing pen to parchment at the risk of treason to the British Crown, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”


Let’s cover human rights for a brief moment. Human rights to become human rights must be doled out to all humans all at the same time. Human rights are not doled out to certain humans propping up a certain gender, or to those with certain colour skin, or to those professing a different sexual lifestyle than heterosexual. No, those are not Human Rights at all but Human Privileges.


To digress for a brief moment, from the Declaration of Independence, “...the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness” can be doled out to all humans and all at the same time. Those are human rights and not human privileges.


There’s a stark difference between human rights and human privileges. For instance driving a motor vehicle or holding employment at a corporation are both examples of a human privilege. They are not human rights. We know the feminists demand their right to earn an income or else claim victim to not having any human rights. Since a paraplegic can’t hold a job, and a toddler can’t drive a vehicle, they are not human rights because not every human can have those rights. I’d like to tell Feminists that discrimination happens all over the world and for the benefit of humankind—just ask a flat footed military recruit or a woman trying out as linebacker for the Miami Dolphins. It’s good to discriminate!  


These human privileges are ramped up by the LEFT through Civil Rights laws. Civil Rights laws are anything but civil. It’s the Democratic Party’s move to carve out a distinct voting block from human society and then grant them special privileges when they’re elected to public office. The LEFT has no other play but to dole out human privileges to their voting blocks due to promises made through their campaigns. Those privileges primarily go to Women, Blacks, and GLBTBCQ [Gay, Lesbian, Bestiality, Transgender, Bisexual, Cross-dresser, and Queer] voting blocks. That is seating unequal rights to become law of the land.


The LEFT is Racist, Sexist, and Heterophobic!


When the Left begins to call out Civil Rights as human rights, that is Fascism. Nazis carved out sects of the population to promote them to the status of Master Race. So does the LEFT carve out sects to promote to their voting blocks, then that act of Fascism cascades into writing legislation, which doles out unequal rights causing God’s human rights not to be upheld equally. When the LEFT calls Women’s Civil Rights as human rights they are insinuating 50% of the humans on Earth have Human Rights. The same goes for the LEFT calling Black Civil Rights as human rights, because then only 12% of the US Population would have those human rights. Lastly, calling GLBTBCQ Civil Rights as human rights would mean that 99.9% of the World’s population do not have those same human rights. See the Fascism played out by the LEFT?


The Bible illustrates human rights and not civil rights when God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness!” Genesis 1:26. There is no other human than one created in God’s image all having equality in human rights doled out by their Creator in Heaven. God has no special privileges for Black skinned people, or women, or GLBTBCQ—we’re all equal under God. Let’s be sure we’re all equal under law! No more promoting Civil Rights which really is promoting the LEFT’s voting blocks over the equal We The People!

LEFT Voting Blocks Receive Human Rights

Letter sent in by Bubba from Dallas Texas, Sent out September 25, 2017


Dear Honourable Donald J. Trump:                                                                                              September 25, 2017

LEFT Voting Blocks Are ONLY To Receive Human Rights


First of all you’re doing a great job as President of the United States of America and who would’ve thought that our economy would be turning around so quickly with the America First theme. Nice job!


Before we get into this, let us walk you into the letter. It has been noted throughout historical records that Nazi Germany was bent on producing the Master Race. It was also discovered that Hitler ordered the murdering of tens of millions of souls based on them not fitting the mold of being Aryan. Hence, instruments were used such as callipers to detect lip and check-bone size, color templates used to choreograph the proper skin tone, and gender coupled with sexual orientation were classifications used for decision making to exterminate humans at the behest of their Final Solution.


Today the LEFT are utilizing those same instruments of racism, sexism, and sexual orientation classification at the behest of creating their Master Race—voting block, which doesn’t include whites, heterosexuals, nor males. You must understand one thing: the only card the LEFT plays in Congress is that’s to write Bills into law, which favour the gender of Female, the race of Black, and sexual orientation of Gay. Think about it? The LEFT can only ever write legislation that are racist, sexist, and heterophobic laws because that was their promise to get elected in the first place! I often wonder about those casting their vote for to galvanize racism, sexism, and heterophobic into law, but that’s another topic for another time. 



Why was it that the MSM was so adamant in you, the President of the United States, to denounce White Supremacy down in Charlottesville, North Carolina in the summer of 2017, when all you did was allude to denouncing both White and Black Supremacy? The MSM reasoning is they have to protect their voting blocks and in this case the block of Blacks. Remember that is how their candidates are elected, by victimizing distinct voting blocks. Their fooled victims have now spawned not only to include women, blacks and gays, but includes Illegal immigration, women’s reproductive rights [remember Madonna wanting to blow up the White House during your inauguration 2016], and even convicted criminals such as in the San Francisco Kathryn Steinle verdict.


When a political party is espousing to write laws, which are sexist in benefiting one gender only, racist in benefiting one race only, and heterophobic to benefit the GLBTBCQ community [Gay, Lesbian, Bestiality, Transgender, Bisexual, Cross-dresser, and Queer] it is a violation of human rights and the laws are unconstitutional. Law should be color blind, gender neutral, and have no other gages separating humans.


Human Rights are along the lines of what our Founding Fathers wrote into the Declaration of Independence, “the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!” Those are human rights for all humans no matter the gender, race, or sexual orientation. For law to become law it should be upheld for every human being and all at that same time around the globe. That is, not passing a law to secure favour for distinct voting blocks, which are a group of citizens pre-carved out to benefit just to monopolize their vote and get elected to Congress.


This must stop! The LEFT is Racist, Sexist, Heterophobic, Xenophobic, and murders of souls in the womb!


Mr. President could you and your staff, sift through laws placed on the books in the last half of century and remove any which specifically uphold the human rights of a sect of Voters. The US Constitution was framed upon Christian principles, and God doles out human rights to every human equality irrespective of gender, race, sexual ordination, National status, Religion, et al. In other words God doesn’t utilize any Nazi era instrumentation [used by the LEFT today in Congress] to dole out human rights through the safe guarding of a Master Voting Block. Americans are Americans – all equal!


“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” –Galatians 3:28

Women's Rights Are Not Human Rights

Letter sent in by G. Gordon from Washington DC and sent out August 26, 2017


WOMENS’S RIGHTS ARE NOT HUMAN RIGHTS:                                                                                  August 26, 2017

Dear Honorable Nikki Haley Ambassador to the United Nations:


In the World’s recent celebration of International Women’s Day, we’d like to underscore one important fact!




The United States Constitution illustrates that human rights are doled out equally upon the human through our Creator, and that was framed through Christian principles.


When world governments enforce “GROUP” rights upon citizenry we’re standing on a fine line of anarchy. When these group rights are enforced as human rights it ostracizes many humans from having those same human rights. Then the humans with those professed group rights, can lord them over the rest of the humans and cause trouble.  


Essentially women rights are illustrating that human rights are doled out to all humans on Planet Earth as long as those humans don’t don a penis! Funny? Well of course it is and absurd for us humans to be under such “group” rights dubbed human rights and for it to not be called out for what it is—a human privilege.


Black Rights, Women’s Rights, GLBTB Rights, and now this new Reproductive Rights Group created by Madonna are all human privileges and have nothing to do with human rights. They self profess to have obtained more human benefits than their fellow brothers and sisters on the world stage! They represent a selective group of humans that they choose personally to carve out of the population to fight against all non-membered citizens under the banner of social justice and HUMAN RIGHTS.


How can we be one nation under God with so many Group Activists pushing so many different flavors of human rights? The US Declaration of Independence was clear when the Founding Fathers stipulated, “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal.”


In that era, it meant Men’s families, which included women and children and their slaves (black individuals until the 13th Amendment of the Constitution). Those Founders called upon Nature’s Laws and the Laws of Nature to be taken literally from Christian principles.


“And the two shall become one flesh.” (Mark 10:8 KJV). Meaning God looks as every married couple as ONE—so did the Founders by utilizing the term “men” in governmental documents. So we don’t ever need to amend the US Constitution or create a UN constitution were we separate out genders. That would be so unequal.

Understand by fighting for gender equality – we divide the world. Let’s get back to celebrating family equality, which includes both genders—as one World under God! 



Trillion Dollar Blocks of Money

Letter sent in by Mary-Jo from Seattle, WA. - sent out July 5, 2017


TRILLION DOLLAR BLOCKS OF MONEY                                                                                                      July 05, 2017

Dear Honourable Senator Theodor Cruz


The recent Peoples’ Climate March which took place on April 29, 2017 in the District of Columbia is another Leftist Liberal plight to grab hard earn money from world citizens. In fact, many of the organizations under their umbrella are already Fat Cats in the realm of non-profit standards. They are alone with their estimated net worth, Center for Community Change ($100-million), the NAACP ($10-billion), the Natural Resources Defense Council ($350-million), People’s Action (no monetary data published), Public Citizen ($20-million) and the Union of Concerned Scientists ($400-million). George Soros, the democratic demagogue and former Nazi abetter, has promoted and funded many of these organizations through the Open Society Foundations, which these five non-profits received from his coffer over $36-million between 2000 and 2014.  Can you stop government funding of these organizations?


In addition, other Leftist non-profit organizations are also sucking up large sums of money on a global scale in the name of Saving Mother Earth. Like Chicken Little, they also preach the “Sky Is Falling,” literally with their Ozone, Greenhouse gases, and global warming scare tactics. The top ten earners of those non-profits are among the following along with their estimated net worth: Wildlife Conservation Network ($50-million), The Sierra Club (no monetary data published), The Conservation Fund ($10-billion), The World Land Trust – US (no monetary data published), Ecotrust ($300-million), Earthjustice ($1-billion), Environmental Defense Fund ($2-billion), The National Conservancy (no monetary data published), Greenpeace ($200-million), and National Geographic Society ($12-billion).


As one can deduce, their goal is quickly to obtain a $1-trillion block of money. Who ever can conjure up the greatest world scare gets the money. Their scares range from Global warming, population control, icecaps melting, endangered species, women’s health, Ozone depletion, scarcity of water, Ocean pollution, and now to clean up the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. Currently, their largest money grab is in what made the most number of billionaires on the annual Forbes Billionaire list—controlling real estate! That is Conservation of our precious land.


In International Contract Law and US Contract Law there must be a bargain for exchange in order to produce consideration to satisfy the terms of a contract. That’s why our Founders’ purchase of Alaska (Seward’s Icebox) and the Midwestern states (Louisiana purchase) held consideration—a bargain for land while giving up money in exchange. For a legitimate contract, both parties must receive something at the same time they relinquish something and then that is legal and tender.


Contrary, when these Non-profits grab billions of hectares of land in the name of saving something—CONSERVATION and the PROTECTION OF ENDANGERED SPECIES, that is construed as theft under contract law. Oh they received something—that land, but they didn’t relinquish anything but a loud song and dance that another world resource will be extinguished unless they take land and money from the people of the United States and now world citizens.


In closing I leave you with a couple of scriptures—which is also the same scriptures from our Founding Fathers’ Bible, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.” (Genesis 1:1). God wants man to take care of His Earth, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and to take care of it.” (Genesis 2:15). THIS WOULD MEAN THAT MAN IS ABOVE MOTHER EARTH. God didn’t place mankind below Mother Earth as some of these non-profit Organizers might sell us.


Once again, he who owns the world’s money source owns the world! Seizing TRILLION DOLLAR BLOCKS OF MONEY is their goal of these non-Profiteers through harnessing it in the form of fines, fees, levies, taxes, donations, penalties, and straight out theft, even entire nations are slated to place portions of their GDPs into their coffers. All for claiming something catastrophic is going to happen to Mother Earth with little to no proof if it will ever happen. Please stop this catastrophe of money transfers into their coffers. 

Sexual Harassment by Women on Men

Letter sent in by C.J. from Orange County, CA. - sent out on June 20, 2017


Dear Management Team at Time Magazine:                                                                                          June 20, 2017

Gretchen Carlson Wants to Change the Way Women Fight Sexual Harassment, cover article is obvious a feminist bent of the Left-wing agenda upheld at Time.


As a disabled veteran, fighting in two war theaters (Iraq and Afghanistan), I can’t underscore enough about the number of men, yes men, coming home with no limbs, skin graphs, and without eyes but with no wives in their homes. This is the first generation in all of human history (not just American history but all of human history) that men go off to war and have no wives or families to come home too. To whom is sexually harassing whom here?


Let me digress. In my discussion threads with my comrades, decorated military heroes, we all hit a sombre topic right on point, “Nowadays, men have to go out and look for ‘marriage bed action’ as our ancestors looked for water!” It’s not fair for men to put their lives on the line only to be denied sex, because women are taught to be liberated from marriage. That’s the real story for Time!


To digress, our American Public Schools promote a Left-wing bent towards societal tenants as it relates to sex. The Left-wing teach promiscuity before marriage, hand out free condoms stripped in school colors, then abortion on demand (funny how a permission slip is needed from a parent to receive one aspirin from the school nurse but parents aren’t notified about their daughter’s abortion). These feminists enter college where sex is placed on notice. Sexual harassment, rape, sexism, violation of women’s body parts, and women having more human rights than men are causing a severe shift in moral values.


What ever happened to the Conservative teachings regarding sex, and galvanized back in the time of Moses? I mean, Do not covet thy neighbour’s wife! For thousands of years it was customary for children to learn partaking in absence till marriage. Funny how children do what they are taught, and many did wait until marriage. Under conservative values, adults have an outlet for sex their entire adult lives—It’s called marriage. Men and women were taught to marry when they reached adulthood and marriages stayed in tact because both husband and wife stood on their vow, “till death due us part.” These are facts and not hype.


Time Magazine must in the future have a Conservative Column to give account of unbiased story telling.


It is estimated that women have sued over $1-trillion out of corporate America in the name of women’s rights. Wal-Mart, Goldman Saks, and the US government are $100-billion alone in court winnings for women finding inequality among the sexes—yes I said women win money for not being equal to men. Now, the Left-wing wants to push for liberation of women, causing mass chaos in human society. When women are no long married, using a nanny state for their child raising as a single mother, and men have to go out and look for sex as our ancestors looked for water, is truly a society run by Left-wing propaganda and doomed for destruction. Let’s get back to conservative values and Time needs to stop silencing the right from their columns.


Shame on Time Magazine!     


“Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.”                                                                                                                                             -- Ephesians 4:25 KJV

Welcome President Trump

Letter sent in by R.C. in Florida - Sent out on May 12, 2017​


Welcome Honourable President Donald J. Trump:                                                         


Thank you for serving our nation in the capacity of our 45th elected President of the United States. Here are some suggestions / strategies for you to clean up from the previous debacle (administration).

  1. STOP: The Reduction in US military personnel and refund secret research projects.

  2. REDUCE: $20-trillion in national debt accumulation; $2.8-billion/day.

  3. REMOVE: 50,000,000 Recipients on food stamps. 

  4. REVOKE: Obamacare and do not replace it. Government not supposed to be in the private sector.

  5. Illegal Aliens: Build the Wall between, enforce immigration law; cripple Sanctuary Cities.

  6. Heal Racial Divide: Police Officers were killed in line of duty.

  7. Stimulus Package: Trillions of $ disappeared without a benefit. Remove Dodd-Frank laws.

  8. Israel: Remove all sanctions on Israel.

  9. Russia: Invaded Crimea, harassed US navy, bombed allies in Syria: deal with them appropriately.

  10. GITMO: Convicted terrorists were set free. Make GITMO a maximum terrorist security prison.

  11. NSA: tracking Americans everywhere. Fourth Amendment says NO.

  12. Corrupt IRS: Lois Lerner received full retirement and we need a flat tax to stop this illegal action.

  13. AAA was US credit rating: It’s now at –A and moving towards B.

  14. Nobel Peace Prize: 44th President gave a promise to dismantle the US Nuclear arsenal.

  15. US Space fleet: Space Shuttles are museum relics–America as Pioneers in Space not Russia.

  16. Second Amendment: Many citizens would like to see the BATFE gone.

  17. Troops in IRAQ: Put the troops back. We’re still in South Korea, Germany, Japan, Cuba, etc.

  18. Ask for Iran to give back our $200-Billion: They violated the Nuclear Agreement.

  19. Syrian refugees: Secure the nation of Syria! GET RUSSIA OUT! Resettle all Syrian refugees back.

  20. GLBTB: Sexual conduct of gay, lesbian, bisexuals, transgender and bestiality in a marriage? What?

  21. Bust of Winston Churchill: Since the 44th President returned his bust please accept it.

  22. 2009 European Tour: 44th President calling America “derisive” and praised Islam.

  23. Human Rights: Doled out to human beings equally by Creator, not just to women, blacks, & gays.

  24. Executive Order: Revoke them all from 44th President—to make America great again.

  25. Abortion: Row vs. Wade must be overturned. Not a women’s health issue, but murder.

  26. Claim America is a Christian Nation: 44th President claimed it was a hodgepodge including Islam.

  27. Fake News: Americans and the world must have good journalism without all this spin.

  28. Diversity: Stop corporations from hiring based solely on gender, race, and sexual orientation.

  29. Fathers: Women do not support stay at home Dad—so laws are needed to secure the patriarch.

  30. Sexual Harassment Training: Corporations must stop from making men into sexual predators


“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”                                                                                       Proverbs 29:2 KJV

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